grown-up stuff
Tracey and Sue run the playgroup with some other nice ladies and they are very kind so I have let them have this page to tell you some important stuff that my mummy needed to know about the playgroup.
Our Aims
At St. Philip and St. James Playgroup we believe that in a happy and secure environment young children learn how to socialise and co-operate with others.
We encourage their development by following the Early Years Foundation Stage with a big emphasis on learning through play and developing their social skills.
Activities will be provided so that children are stimulated and challenged but at the same time having lots of fun.
They will be encouraged to be confident within the playgroup not only as an individual but also with their peers.
We aim to provide equal opportunities for all children and families within our setting and will follow the Children’s Safeguarding Procedure at all times. A full list of all our policies and procedures can be found on our parent table and we advise every parent to read our policies. A copy is available to read through at home.
Our OFSTED number is EY346347 and a copy of our recent inspection is available to view on-line. Our last inspection was November 2019, we were rewarded with an OUTSTANDING rating and here are a few comments from that report:
"The managers and staff have created an outstanding stimulating environment. Children benefit significantly from a wealth of challenging learning activities and demonstrate exceptional levels of confidence. They arrive in high spirits, build very strong friendships and are extremely motivated to learn."
A full copy of this inspection is now available to view on-line through the OFSTED website.
Information Pack
For more information please feel free to download our welcome pack by clicking on the link below: